We are letting all our collecting friends know of the loss of one of our early collecting friends Alex Rendon. We want to say our thoughts and sympathy are with the Rendon family, and we would also like to express our sadness, and profound sense of loss of a good friend and fellow collector. Alex Rendon is recognized as one of a small handful of Pioneers of Phonecard collecting, along with Peter Snow, and Dr Steven Hiscocks, they showed a keenness for these strange plastic things called phonecards. We all understand his passion which became well known to the many friends he made in his collecting travels. Alex, in particular was legendary in his relentless quest for that missing card, or country. He found the Senegal red L&G card, used by workers in an oil company, hunted down one surviving Bermuda Autelca set. He collected all 10 variations of the Italy D1. He was accompanied by his long suffering wife, Maureen, or his best friend Dr Norman Hubbard, on some of these thrilling adventures to places like Bermuda, and tiny islands of the Carribbean. Many thousands have read of Alex's collecting escapades, like the trip he took down a winding track in St Maarten to find ONE badly damaged L&G trial phonecard of 1987, among the junk of an old lady who collected all sorts of rubbish, but to Alex, it was better than Gold ! Many collectors have similarly come to enjoy the thrill of the chase for that elusive card. We hope it will be a happy thought to the Rendon Family to know he is well remembered, and that his collection has also found a secure resting place in the Phonecardmuseum, and his fine research will be preserved for all collectors in the online Phonecardmuseum (in construction).
We express these thoughts with thanks to Alex, rest in peace friend, on behalf of the Phonecard collecting international community.
Recent picture of Alex Rendon :