Online Landis & Gyr Worldwide Optical-Catalogue
INTERNAL-CARDS (Labo, Experimental, Demo, Factory)
(4 Articles)
Such cards bear “Landis & Gyr” and “Sodeco” inscriptions and were not for sale to the public but for internal use. Experimental and Democards (see card shown) are minimalistic with monochromatic color and bear control numbers beginning with prefix 00 or serial numbers with 3 or 4 digits.
ENGINEER-CARDS (Service, Test, Adjusting)
(3 Articles)
Such cards were only sold and used by Telcos for technical purposes on the optical devices (BSK). They are minimalistic cards with monochromatic color and the number of the structure or the Telco’s logo (here Post logo for Austria) must be clearly identified. The color of Engineer-cards should be the awarded color for the country (yellow for Austria). Engineer-cards often bear “Phonocard”, “Landis & Gyr” or “Sodeco” inscriptions and former Engineer-cards have had identification with 3- to 5-digits serial numbers and later control numbers with prefix 03.
PUBLIC-CARDS (Field-Trial, Official, Restricted)
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Such cards were sold to the public and were to place phone-calls inside a specific country or from restricted areas like airport, oil-rig or military area. Public-cards (even Field-Trials or Official) always bear the logo of the Telco (here PTT) and hard-currency value (here 10.- swiss francs) or number of units (in case of risk of devaluation) stored in the card for phone-calls. Optical public-cards were sold in huge quantity all-over the world with more than 1.448.000.000 phonecards produced and sold to the public !
NO-PHONE APPLICATIONS (Parking, Petrol, Access...)
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Such cards are not for Telephone applications but for Parking (here prepaid parking-card for Zürich), Petrol, Access-control, Gas & Electricity consumption...
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Some cards were never produced coded and are high-lights even dummies ! ----------------------------------------
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Pay attention, in this section are shown hard-to-find optical-card !